Katie, You are an amazing Congresswoman. Thank you for always looking out for the rights of every day people. I am so hoping you make it to the Senate.

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What do you want to bet red counties run by Boss Hoggs don't want real votes tracked?

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What concerns me in California is the current slow delivery of first-class mail. Have we forgotten that Trump-appointed Postmaster General Louis DeJoy needs to be FIRED before he manages to gum up the works even worse than he did in the last election[s]? Though I mailed out my ballots the next day after I received them [and got tracking confirmation], I worry that not all voters may be so prompt. With Biden appointees on the USPS Board now, let's get DeJoy gone! GIVE 'EM HELL, KATIE!

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Dec 19, 2023·edited Dec 19, 2023

Over the past few years, "money-saving" USPS changes from the top down have caused the U.S. postal system to slow down mail processing while increasing its advertising budget. De Joy’s 10-year plan, started in 2021, severely reduces USPS efficiency and ability to deliver 1st-class voting information and mail-in ballots on time, as well as small businesses' online mail-order packages [other shipping services like FedEx or UPS cost 2-3 times more]. Local, state, and national government; the national economy; and ordinary folks like us are all harmed.

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Katie, not true in Pennsylvania. We know when our ballot has been received, opened, and counted.

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We must also work to remove vote "harvesting", which is a regular occurrence in the city of Long Beach, CA. Members of our city's "preferred" electeds send their people to influence votes at nursing homes, hospitals and other places where the elderly, in particular, don't know all the issues. That allowed several "clowncil" members to take their seats by margins under 20 votes and for the city to pass a forever 10.25% sales tax measure by a similar margin. When we attempted to get a recount, LA County wanted more than $250,000 from citizens because they changed the manner of collecting ballots to "make it easier for people to vote anywhere in the county," which made it nearly impossible to find out where Long Beach votes were cast and for whom.

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How is this different from canvassing, phone banking or text banking? All candidates do voter outreach.

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They tell people how to vote and actually "help" them mark their ballots in favor of those for whom they work. It's insidious and should be stopped.

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The latter is illegal I think, but the former is just free speech and persuasion, if rather heavy handed. To be very clear, I don't support such tactics at all, but making some of them illegal would make perfectly valid things illegal, too.

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I love reading KP on Substack .....without asks for $

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Wonderful. I live in WA, where we have a superb voting system (with tracking). I wish every American had access to the same.

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Thank you, Katie, for working on behalf of all of us!

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It may depend on who can track what/whom. Colorado has the tools with which I can track my mail-in/drop-off ballot. I am informed when it is sent, when it is sent and again when it is counted. Others cannot see that info unless my phone or email is hacked.

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Second “sent” should be “received”

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I’m an AZ voter and we have a fantastic tracking system. I pop my ballot in the mail, a few days later I receive a text that it has been received. A few days after that, I get a text saying it is being counted and finally, a text saying it had been counted. I feel very confident my voice is heard.

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So grateful to AZ Secretary of State Adrian Fontes who served as Maricopa County Recorder prior to being elected as Secretary of State. He supported mail in voting and improved the mail in ballot tracking system we have in AZ. We need to support and elect Tim Stringham for Maricopa County recorder!


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Amazon has Tracking down to a science. If Bezos can get it done, surely the Government should be able to.

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In Tarrant County, TX (Ft Worth) I can track my mail-in ballot from the point it is received in the elections office, and the point it is approved by the ballot board. No info provided that it is actually counted nor info on whether approval by ballot board means simultaneous votes recorded. I hope USPS has tracking info for the mail part - soon - or, that the County cooperates with USPS.

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My 2020 mail-in ballot left our county election office on its way to my home and disappeared en route. It was never delivered. I asked the PO to find it. They kind of shrugged. I remain convinced that it was deliberately lost. It would be awesome to see it tracked both ways. Katie- keep fighting the good fight for democracy and truth.

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Start with AIPAC- the largest illegal (unregistered) foreign lobby with a stranglehold over so many US politicians, and both parties of power.

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When I restack this, I get a message saying "there was an error in restacking this"

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Thank you for doing this important work!

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