Please note that private equity firms prevented prospective homeowners from being able to take advantage of the low interest rates, by making cash offers and waiving every contingency that a "loan offer" would be required to have, there needs to be a provision for owner occupied offers getting preference when H.U.D. homes hit the market. It was really disheartening as a pre qualified single Mom, hoping to put a roof over our heads, to lose out to an investor on a H.U.D. property. Not outbid by $ amount but by waiver of inspections that most loans require. Thank you.

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In not in California anymore, but this has been so frustrating trying to buy a home and getting beat out by flippers and agents who tidy the place up a bit and then throw it back on the market for a small profit. There’s less competition now, but homes that were within our budget in the Spring are now many thousands out of reach.

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Exactly, the "fixer upper" that were in the almost affordable range when lower rates were available (but need inspections for loan) were low hanging fruit for the cash paying investor/flipper. Greedy bastages.

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I live in Alaska and we have the same problems here. That's why I support Katie Porter. I live in a red state and I am a blue voter. We need as many blue people in both houses of Congress as we can get this next voting cycle.

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I'm a retired Realtor and can't get over the prices....

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Hello Katie, I sent a contribution to your campaign earlier, but cannot in good conscience support your efforts because of your refusal to ask for a ceasefire in Gaza. I believe AIPAC supports you?

Over 12,000 people have been killed in Gaza by the Netanyahu government with U.S. support. That is a horrific price to pay for whatever they hope to accomplish.

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While no politician will meet all of our own individual views, I am in agreement with you on this! Katie has been a champion for her constituents, and all Americans in so many other areas- if you live in her district perhaps you can reach out to her office to voice your position? I am going to do the same with my congressman. Hopefully by now, with all of the senseless and inhumane crimes committed, perhaps they'll think differently about accepting funds. AIPAC should be sued as an illegal unregistered foreign lobby, but the pro Israel lobby has such a stranglehold over our politics and country no one wants to face the retribution. Quite sad. Good luck.

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Thank you Katie!

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Our neighborhood watch had their regular meeting with a special speaker about companies that come in and buy homes. I was unable to make it but I’m sure is was good.

I sold our last house ‘as is’ because my husband was still recovering from cancer. I sold it to a family.

We are now in a situation where we are planning to move to an aging in place community. Our house is not ready to sell and is too full of my husband’s ‘stuff’. It’s overwhelming to me. Our only decision seems to be to use a ‘we buy homes’. This isn’t good for the community but it’s the only way he’ll start to let go of things.

Also, our taxes have made a gigantic jump and says our home is worth more than we can sell it for. (Poor people have received the highest tax increase which is forcing people to sell and Erickson has been building duplexes all over.)


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How about just banning all the Larry Finks from inventing in or owning real property other than their own personal homes

Oh wait, your AIPAC/ADL friends and Chuckles 'Shomer' wouldn't like that at all, would they? Better to have subsidies: more voters beholden to the Regime for their basic needs.

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My first house was purchased in 1982 when interest rates were 16%. Many people were selling their homes on a 5-year land contract. (Essentially rent to own). Why do we not hear about land contracts anymore?

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Can you explain some of the factors that have made houses SO expensive nationally over the last 20 years or less? I’m retired and our house has long been paid for fortunately. I live in the Midwest in Milwaukee, Wisconsin which is a working man’s town. In my modest neighborhood, a 3 bedroom, 1 or 1-1/2 bath house was selling for $190,000 five years ago. They are now $290,00 or $350,00 if flipped. Sometimes selling for $350,000 -$4K even not flipped. No matter what the interest rate is, few young families can afford this. How can there be this ridiculous increase in prices when income increases are not commensurate?

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Rent to own concerning HUD assisted housing...

A large percentage of the people that need it could help build it with this product and definitely contribute to a greater cause.


Imagine adobe with an R 70 insulation value, that is nothing more than pressed hemp fiber shaped like Legos with pre-drilled holes for wiring. You and I can build a one bedroom cottage on the weekend 😉

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I moved from California in 1974 because the cost of housing and cost of living were out of control. We moved to Colorado because it seemed more affordable and livable. It was. WAS. So many people have moved here and especially the mountains only to have valleys filled with smog. Just like California now. This is a national problem.

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You have the right priorities, Katie!

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Because fed intervention is so successful...

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Plenty Of MegaMagas . .

So who Killed the American Dream?

Deflated, not just losing steam . .

The Replacements! of course . .and behind them

The Secret Force .. of The You Know WHOs .. on

Get the Money super keen . .

Ready to Buy It . . # Hence The Clown Fuhrer . ..

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