Katie, we need you in Congress! Please run again. Dems need to fight and challenge. This whole current Trump administration makes me physically ill.

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She's great! She should have won the seat that Schumer won.

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you mean the guy who stole it from her with backing $ from DEMOCRATS ??? Adam Schiff is a sleaze ball compared to Katie. I think he just greases the wheels better than Katie; he plays the Party game ("You Pay to Play") and Katie doesn't. So the PARTY liked him bc it kept the big corporate donors happY? I guess. She would have won.

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There's a generation of Democratic Party leaders that just needs to get out of the way and retire. They are too worried about elections to the extent that they have forgotten about the well being of Americans.

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At the very least, there are FAR too many Dems that are too cowardly to speak out. Schumer for example is a waste of space. He's been a weenie (and GQP punching bag) for years.

The actions of this administration are horrific and will (and already are) cause severe and long-lasting damage to the country and the people. Explaining this to the masses is the opposition party's JOB, and the GQP (and the Space Nazi & his minions) are making it VERY easy to show that what they're doing is NOT in the best interests of the country.

The Dems also need to be slowing down EVERYTHING as much as possible.

Do not comply in advance. That's the action of cowards.

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Katie, you’re the best! You may already know this, but studying Election Office websites revealed that at least 15 million registered Democrats, possibly as many as 40 million, had their approved mail-in ballots Returned Undeliverable, or rejected for Invalid Signature, Improper ID, Possible Wrong Date or Improperly Sealed Envelope (after voters received envelopes already sealed). Check out this article: <https://billypenn.com/2024/10/26/cure-mail-ballot-philadelphia-election/?mc_cid=62d21529b1>. At the end of this article is a list of 174 pages of Phila. voters whose ballots were blocked for the above reasons. Just above that list is a link to “click here” to access the website of the Philadelphia City Commissioners. Scroll down that page to a “PDF” link to access a list of ~ 4000 blocked Phila. voters, updated on Election Day, showing names and reasons that their ballots were blocked. Note that most names are Latino, Muslim, African and/or female, not a coincidence. My wife and I were both approved for mail-in ballots. Mine arrived, hers was Returned Undeliverable, same address and both legal names on our mailbox. She was targeted as a female with a Spanish name. She took her documents to Phila. City Hall & voted in person. Others did not know their ballots were blocked, did not know what to do or chose not to miss work to take action. Hand recounts including these unjustifiably blocked ballots could change outcomes of Presidential and Congressional races. GOP has fine tuned this illegal technique since FL in 2000, OH in 2004, Stacey Abrams vs. Kemp in GA in 2018, etc. These findings should be verified, publicized and used for law suits and hand recounts. Otherwise, we will continue to fret over suprising election losses in the future. What do you recommend?

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I am so grateful for that information. I knew they were thieves, but I had no idea they would go to these lengths. As of now, this will be posted on all my pages.

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Thank you! If enough people wake up to the multifaceted Criminal Election Interference, only then do we stand a chance of winning our country back! Quote RBG, “La Lucha Segue” (The Fight Continues).

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More and more I'm convinced that there's a reason no one in the GOP is standing up to Musk - despite the growing backlash from their base. And then there's the American president speaking with a Russian accent and the state secrets now under the guardianship of someone who, for no discernible reason, has courted the dictator ally of an enemy state. Intelligence that has, in this past year alone, prevented a number of attacks on home soil by the Russian state.

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@Robert Davis. Re-litigating the last election is useless. Learning lessons from it is the province of professionals. What we voters need to do is concentrate on winning the next election! See my post here for an idea how..,

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I don’t think anyone’s re-litigating the last election—just pointing out the realities of the game that contributed to our loss. That said, ceding our responsibilities and trust to the “province of professionals” (e.g. Carville) has been ineffective at best and has actually *helped* the opposition. We all have a part to play in democracy, and the better we know how the process has changed/is changing, the better we can *literally* stay enfranchised.

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@Alexandra. By "professionals" I meant election officials at all levels and elected officials who are responsible for election law. Not commentators like Carville. The Democratic Party as a whole, and as a professional organization needs to learn to combat MAGA types on the front lines and use all the "tools" that the right wing oligarchs and MAGA types deploy against democracy. I hope you appreciate from this that we basically agree.

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I have no doubt that Trump and Musk changed the POTUS votes in the swing states. I don’t believe all voted for Trump at the top of the ticket and some voted the ticket below Democratic. Smells fishy to me and Trump has admitted it.

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Sorry, but I disagree. It is the Republicans who only think of their rich donors. What I do not understand is how people keep voting for people who simply do not care about their constituents. I suppose they just do not want people who do not look like them to have equal rights and lead a decent life.

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ever hear of this lobby called AIPAC? you can tell which dems they own by the degree of paralysis and cowardice they're currently displaying.

mainstream dems- including biden- are complicit with the rethuglicans in the destruction of our country because in the end, both parties answer to exactly the same money people.

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Please see my Feb. 26 letter to Katie Porter, above. Use the given links to see an official list of names of voters whose mail-in ballots were diverted or rejected. When you see most names are of certain nationalities, it becomes clearer why Democrats received so many fewer votes than anticipated.

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It’s worse. They are essentially lobbyists in waiting, which is why they are so eager to find common ground with Republicans trying to put more money in the pockets of the already wealthy

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the failed neoliberal boomers are simply diet rethuglicans. in fact, they're complicit with the daylight bank robbery of our country being undertaken by dotard and the oligarchs.

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Thank you Katie Porter!!! This 100%! This pundit, (James Carville in The NY Times), dismisses all the resisting we did during the last Trump administration. “That didn’t work” is the assumption, “so why bother this time?” He concludes. Besides being weak and passive (things swing voters and Democrats both hate) it misremembers history. In 2020, we had taken back the House, the presidency, and the Senate. But yeah, let’s just sit back and let Trump and his cult destroy our democracy this time, and then people will really “learn their lesson..” This is like saying as arsonists set your house ablaze “just let them do it - there’s nothing we can do about it anyway.” Don’t listen to Carville’s terrible advice. Resist as if your lives depend on it, because they do!

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Yeah I hate f ing Carville!

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He does need to shut up! Just a scared old man now! If we UNIFY, are loud in our protests, even violent, we will stop this insanity! Buy nothing today, Friday, February 28th! Make the corps feel our power!

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carville is a secondary- maybe even tertiary- symptom of the disease that affects the mainstream, dying-boomer democratic party. he's nothing more than a distraction from the daylight bank robbery of america that's allowing multinational criminal oligarchs on the right to rob us blind while our alleged "resistance leaders" like hakeem jeffries rake in AIPAC campaign loot and go on book tours while democracy dies.

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Carville is fucking useless. He stopped being interesting two decades ago.

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I take offense with "dying-boomer", part of your comment. Boomers fought for the rights of what the younger age Democrats seem to take advantage of. You could have expressed that part of your comment differently, IMBO Reeves.

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Adam S, Carville is a "has been" trying to stay relevant. He's totally off base and keeps changing his mind on everything. He is definitely one to ignore.

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Carville is a misguided zero.

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that's an insult to misguided zeroes.

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resistance to dotard was futile because the entirety of the biden administration, especially the eunuch aka merrick f'ing garland, was a placeholder administration (sarah kendzior's words, not mine) for the return of dotard to power.

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I so agree with you Katie about not sitting back!! I really like your suggestions on Dems educating the public about tariffs, and the economy. Dems need to be loud and strong and unrelenting! Hope you will be running for office in some capacity soon…..we need you!

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Katie is going to be a candidate for governor of California. Newsom is termed out.

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Rick Wilson has a blog that Dems should come right out saying how the Repubs policies are hurting us the people

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I've resurrected my youthful self and am participating in demonstrations. It worked in the 60's. We all need to make as much peaceful noise as we can.

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If nothing else, we need Democrats to fight back to show that we are not alone and that they are willing to work hard for us even if a positive outcome isn't guaranteed. We need leaders that clearly communicate their strategies so we can show them support now and in the future. We need more opposition leadership, not less.

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You were a wonderful congresswoman, exactly what we need nowadays. I'm not even in your state, but I'm a huge supporter. I so hope to see you back in Congress.

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I dreamt a gang of escaped DC Zoo tigers broke into the White House & made quick work of the entire cabinet. Fortunately, the cats ignored Secret Service & left all household staff unpawed. It was glorious.

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Patti O. Furniture, love it !!! Perfect 💯🎯

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The Democrats said don’t worry Kamala has it in the bag, vote but we should get the win if you vote.

Well that laisez faire attitude didn’t work. This will be the end of both parties… one that was very flaccid in its approach and the other on the opposite spectrum.

I agree we have to do smart fighting. We are the ones with science, technology and programming wizards. Let’s fuck up Musks plans and 2025 covertly! Send their servers a virus, erase their work to date.They won’t know what hit them.

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Margot, 💯🎯

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Much as minority leader Jeffries is a highly intelligent person and wants to do good, he seems to have given up the fight. We need the passion of Democrats like Jamie Raskin. How is it that the Democrats cannot just get up and shame the Republicans who are cutting Medicare and Medicaid, with tax breaks for their rich puppet-masters who are laughing all the way to the bank?

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Standing up for working Americans with clear language, compelling stories and a clear vision is a winning strategy-but gestures in this direction too often are lost in the noise of multiple opposition voices and far right lies/disinformation.

Back to the popular ideas of: a shadow Democratic Press Secretary and shadow Cabinet of federal agency experts to act as a rapid response team.

It’s also past time to put new faces on the Democratic Party and remove Democrats who can’t forcefully represent their constituents over their funders.

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A shadow cabinet is a brilliant idea. We have a number of very articulate Dems that need to be in front of the media DAILY.

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Oh! I love that, Julie. Well said! Especially the idea of a shadow Press Secretary and Cabinet experts.

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Question???How do you propose removing “Democrats who can’t forcefully represent their constituents…”. These folks are ELECTED representatives. Do you just intend waving a wand and zippy do dah they’re all gone or what??? Maybe a Civics 101 refresher course is in order?

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Please keep fighting! Losing Medicaid and SNAP is a death sentence for many of us. Now is NOT the time to wait...

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Thank you Katie. On March 3rd I’m attending my first Democrats of Greater Irvine meeting. I hope to meet new likeminded people and get a better idea of how I can contribute more than just writing letters and make phone calls. I’m a retired Irvine teacher and newly widowed so I can’t contribute money to the cause, but I can contribute my time. I love reading what you have to share keep posting.

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Katie, I wish you were in Wisconsin helping us defeat Elon Musk trying to buy a Republican State Supreme Court seat that absolutely must go to Susan Crawford to help protect a woman’s right to choose in our state. Best wishes to you in the future! I miss your whiteboard discussions in Congress!

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One thing I’ve noticed is that loud, noisy protesting isn’t really in the USAn DNA like in other Countries

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I agree because not enough of us are out there. I believe if we can unite on just one thing and all of us get out there at the same time, we can put a stop to this madness. As a whole we are so scared, all over the place and unorganized. I am trying to find something, anything to go to but it’s not happening yet. I can’t find it yet. lol sorry for posting this to just you! But I commend you for your statement because I hope more see both of our statements and we can all find some meaningful action!

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There have been a number of "town hall" meetings lately that have been giving the GQP congresscritters an earful. They have been so isolated that they don't seem to realize that people are scared and hurting, and a bunch of us understand the damage that is being done while the GQP cowards sit idly by and plan massive tax give aways to the unworthy rich (funded by both decimating Medicaid/SNAP and blowing up the deficit & National debt AGAIN.

These are having an effect, keep it up.

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Check out Indivisible and Move On organizations. I support both monthly with a meager donation. They have groups all over the country. Perhaps there is one near you.

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We end up with a lot of what I call “kitchen sink” protests. Too many competing messages in a single event.

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Loud, noisy protests are EXACTLY what we need right now! Thiel, Mental case Musk, Bezos, Zuck etc. have plotted quietly in the shadows—we need to get out there and riot loudly in the streets, now!

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Sounds like a false narrative to back off and let them in fight amongst themselves.


We need to push and fight like heck

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